Sonakshi Verma - Marketing @ The Economist Impact Events | Ex Tiktok | HT | NDTV | Marketing Evangelist

Sonakshi Verma

Sonakshi Verma

"Keep reinvesting in your skills" Sonakshi Verma

My Current Role & Responsibilities: 

Time management, extreme resilience, patience building, anxiety testing, determination to meet deadlines (not like we had a choice considering it was a news channel), hours of coordination with the entire team.

My Journey While Moving Ahead In My Career: 

My first role was in Sales Management - which I had to push through with my superiors since there were no women in FMCG sales at that time. But in my head, I was convinced that if I wanted to rise in my career, I had to learn the ropes from ground up, just like all the other guys.

The first three years of managing large teams of sales executives, many double my age, and handling vendors, retailers and distributors in regions like Karnataka and NCR was like being thrown at the deep end and learning swimming to survive. The first 3 years of my career have been instrumental in breaking my inhibitions, building my confidence and worked as a crash course in negotiation, influencing skills and people management. These have stood me in good stead throughout my career.

Words Of Wisdom To Restart Your Career: 

Try everything! Don't say no to tasks in initial years. I have worked for 18 hours every day round the year in my first job. It definitely had its cons. But 5 years later, I am where I am because I didn't give up. Never give in! There will be days when work seems unfitting, boring and mundane. But you have to look at the big picture. Eventually you will identify your forte. May take time but trust me you will. Just be opening minded. Very important to be positive in all situations. No one likes a grumpy employee!