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Gokul G - Dual Specialist : Client and Talent Acquisition at Elements Hr services

Gokul G

Gokul G

Gokul G

Crucial Success Skills Forged Through My Journey

From an individual who once struggled to walk up to a stage or articulate a sentence in English to now leading a team, managing end-to-end client relationships, and collaborating with individuals globally, I attribute my success to two critical skills: Communication Skills and Public Speaking.

My educational journey reflects a remarkable transformation. Despite early challenges and a ninth-grade teacher's skepticism about my IQ, I emerged as a top-performer in high school and excelled in both my bachelor's and master's degrees. Coming from a lower-middle-class family with a father working as a daily wage Bakery Chef, my educational foundation was in a basic school that focused on passing students. Until the 6th grade, I lacked proficiency in English, Hindi, or my native language, Malayalam.

My family's financial struggles, however, became a turning point. Through my mother's foresight and my father's entrepreneurial spirit, we overcame hardships to establish a bakery business. Starting with difficulty affording basic necessities, our breakthrough came when institutions sought affordable, quality baked goods, including a prestigious international school that offered me admission at a discounted fee.

Entering this new environment brought challenges, including bullying due to my unconventional entrance, attire, and language barriers. I did not conform to the school's uniform pattern, wearing a half-sleeve shirt with a normal collar instead of the prescribed full-sleeve shirt with a Chinese collar. This led to a confrontation with the vice principal, and in my confusion, I nodded affirmatively when asked if I had the correct pattern, further fueling the perception of me as an outsider.

From that day on, I endured mental and physical bullying, branded as the odd one out. To cope with these challenges, I kept silent, adhering to the school's policy of using only English and facing a fine of 500 for any other language. Reflecting on my father's condition and the immense effort he put into ensuring our family's survival, I chose to stay quiet, fearing the financial burden my family would face. This enforced silence intensified my stage fear and hindered the development of my public speaking skills.

Without siblings to share these struggles with, I navigated these challenges independently. To overcome these obstacles, I turned to educational TV channels, developing an interest in subjects beyond cartoons. Seeking interaction with native English speakers, I volunteered as a guide to enhance my language skills and overcome stage fright. This initiative marked a pivotal moment in developing my communication skills and public speaking abilities.

In essence, my journey underscores the significance of adaptability, resilience, and continuous self-improvement. These experiences shaped me into a professional with effective communication skills, capable of navigating diverse challenges in a global context.Enhancing my public speaking and communication skills has proven instrumental in my professional journey, particularly in convincing and closing high-ticket deals. The ability to articulate ideas persuasively and communicate with clarity has empowered me to navigate complex negotiations successfully.

These refined skills have not only facilitated the closure of significant deals but have also enabled me to convey the broader vision and long-term benefits to clients. By effectively communicating the bigger picture, I've gained the trust and confidence of clients, fostering relationships that are not only advantageous for immediate transactions but also contribute to the organization's sustained growth in the long run.This proficiency in public speaking has become a valuable asset, allowing me to strategically position the organization for success while building lasting partnerships with clients.

Crafting Creative Opportunities from Every Challenge

Growing up in an environment steeped in financial constraints and daily challenges, my unwavering belief in education as the key to breaking the cycle of struggles became the cornerstone of my mindset. As the first in my family striving to attain a proper degree, this conviction propelled me forward. Witnessing my father's relentless efforts to secure funds for basic necessities and the repercussions of borrowed money ingrained in me the profound value of education and the necessity of carving a successful professional path.

From the tender age of 12, I actively participated in my father's business, donning various hats such as HR manager, Operations manager, procurement expert, and even taking on the role of a daily wager. This early immersion in the multifaceted nature of entrepreneurship shaped my perspective and solidified my commitment to forging a triumphant career. Working alongside my father, I gained firsthand experience of the dedication and resilience demanded in navigating the challenges of business ownership, laying the foundation for my robust mindset rooted in principles of hard work, adaptability, and perseverance.

Upon reaching the 12th grade, my focus shifted towards my professional journey, fueled by the realization that a proper education would act as the catalyst for personal and familial transformation. The struggles and sacrifices within my family served as constant reminders of the significance of staying committed to my goals. My mindset evolved into one that embraced challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, determined to break through barriers and achieve success.

In the midst of financial constraints and entrepreneurial exposure, a pivotal chapter unfolded between 8th and 11th grade, marked by a crucial surgery and an ardent pursuit of physical fitness. Confronted with health issues necessitating surgery, I approached recovery with a holistic mindset, incorporating both mental resilience and a dedication to physical well-being.

During this transformative phase, I immersed myself in the world of martial arts as part of my physical fitness journey. The discipline and techniques learned not only contributed to my overall fitness but also became a wellspring of mental strength. Martial arts instilled in me qualities of discipline, focus, and perseverance, integral to my approach in overcoming challenges.

Navigating these formidable situations imparted invaluable insights. I learned the profound significance of resilience, adaptability, and the willingness to assume diverse roles to surmount obstacles. The challenges of my formative years shaped a mindset that thrives under pressure, seeks solutions, and perseveres in the face of adversity. These principles guide my approach, underscoring the importance of continuous self-improvement and unwavering determination in the pursuit of success.

My Impact

The tangible impact of my journey extends beyond personal achievement, resonating in the success and growth of my father's bakery business. Overcoming the struggles and challenges I faced has not only positioned me in my current role but has also played a pivotal role in transforming our family business into one of the leading bakery food manufacturers in Kerala's capital, Trivandrum.

As I navigated the complexities of the business world, I contributed significantly to enhancing the operational efficiency and strategic planning of the bakery. My involvement included setting up a comprehensive plan for approaching new markets and establishing partnerships with various shops to expand our product reach. I implemented systematic processes by hiring a manager and an accountant to ensure the smooth functioning of the business and maintain financial stability.

In addition to the operational aspects, my role extended to safeguarding the business against potential risks. I played a crucial part in identifying and preventing fraudulent activities, implementing measures to protect the integrity of our operations. This proactive approach not only secured the financial aspects of the business but also fostered a culture of trust and accountability within the team.

Beyond the confines of the business, I have actively contributed to fostering a positive work environment. Serving as a source of support and motivation for my peers, I have consistently cheered them up during challenging times. The impact of my leadership is evident in the positive memories and experiences shared by the teammates and individuals who have worked with me.

Creating a conducive and uplifting atmosphere has not only contributed to the well-being of my colleagues but has also translated into improved team dynamics and productivity. In essence, the tangible impact of my journey extends far beyond personal accomplishments, manifesting in the success of our family business, the positive work culture cultivated, and the lasting connections forged within the community.

My commitment to societal well-being is reflected not only in the professional realm but also in the positive influence I strive to exert on those around me, ensuring that the impact of my journey resonates positively in various facets of life.

Scaling New Heights in Personal and Professional Triumphs

My yardstick for success diverges from conventional narratives, focusing not only on monumental achievements but also on the realization of short-term goals and the nurturing of meaningful connections. I challenge the stereotype that success is confined to the archetypal hero figure who attains everything in life. Instead, I see success as a multifaceted concept that encompasses the feelings and perspectives of the individuals I collaborate with.

Embedding empathy in my approach has consistently proven effective, enabling the achievement of objectives within set deadlines and fostering positive relationships that yield successful business outcomes. To me, success isn't a singular, all-encompassing endgame; rather, it manifests in the accomplishment of daily goals. Even the simple act of waking up each day signifies progress and contributes to the evolving narrative of success.

I emphasize the distinction between goals and success, recognizing them as separate entities. For me, success resides in the genuine connections made and the positive impact on those around me. This nuanced perspective has been my guiding principle in the professional realm, allowing me to measure success not solely by traditional standards but also by the meaningful experiences and relationships forged along the journey.

By prioritizing more on the human aspect in my endeavors, I've discovered that success, in its various forms, emerges organically from a harmonious blend of personal fulfillment, genuine connections, and the achievement of both short-term and long-term aspirations. This holistic approach to success reflects my commitment to a well-rounded, empathetic, and impactful journey in both professional and personal spheres.

The Synergy Between My Path and Recognition Values

My journey, marked by triumph over adversity, harmonizes impeccably with the values and goals underpinning this recognition. This acknowledgment resonates profoundly with the spirit of resilience, unwavering determination, and a commitment to effecting positive change. Navigating through financial constraints, educational impediments, and societal expectations, my resolute pursuit of becoming the first in my family to attain a proper degree epitomizes the values of tenacity and an unyielding quest for knowledge.

My active involvement in my father's bakery business, shouldering multiple roles and responsibilities from a tender age, underscores my dedication to hard work, entrepreneurship, and familial values. Beyond financial and educational hurdles, my journey incorporates the surmounting of significant health challenges. The accidents and severe fractures I endured were formidable setbacks, testing both my physical resilience and mental fortitude.

Overcoming these health issues demanded not only medical intervention but also an unwavering commitment to rehabilitation and maintaining a positive mindset. This facet of my narrative seamlessly aligns with the recognition's values of triumphing over obstacles and adversity, underscoring the significance of resilience when confronted with unforeseen challenges.In essence, my journey encapsulates the very core of this recognition by embodying values such as resilience, determination, and an enduring commitment to continuous improvement. 

The narrative of overcoming financial hardships, educational barriers, and health setbacks aligns organically with the acknowledgment's overarching goals, emphasizing the transformative power of perseverance and the potential for positive impact even in the face of daunting challenges.By showcasing how I have risen above these multifaceted challenges, I aim to not only reflect the values inherent in this recognition but also inspire others to confront their adversities with fortitude and resilience.