Driving Force Behind Creating Such A
Distinctive Career For Yourself:
drives me the most is my passion to see people happy, smiling, healthy &
being healed, without having any aspirations of being a healer of sorts. I wish
to be the greatest facilitator of people’s health and healing them their own
selves through the laws of nature, through the laws of eating right, sleeping
right, dhyaana, vyaayama, pranayama,
good thoughts, good words, good deeds, karma and most importantly laws of
physics and naturopathy & laws of Yoga and Ayurveda. To get them energized;
health optimized; life Mickeymized.
Embracing Challenges:
champions are born out of challenges and its quite certain that a go getter who
is driven by optimism, who is driven by a very positively charged bioelectrical
field of his own being, can only see ways to fly over obstacles or jump over
them… pole vault, leap vault and this
happens with resilience and tenacity which you build during yoga, during eating
right which gives you satvagun, yoga which gives you resilience, tenacity,
patience, tolerance, vision, ability to unclog the mind, declutter the mind,
ability to see through things, ability to find solutions which are always
around because problems are new; all solutions have been around forever, so
champions are born out of challenges and challenges to embrace, sometimes it’s
fun, it gives you a rush… why it’s fun is because of your self-confidence,
self-conviction. Champions optimized, get Mickeymized !!!
Discover The Zeroeth State-Inner
Source Of Infinite Potential:
best way to find the zeroeth inner state ‘The Shoonyam Quotient’ is each time
you find yourself in the midst of clutter, issue, entanglement, difficult
circumstances just stop shut your eyes,
breath out the anxiety, your fear, your disappointment, your insecurities, keep
breathing them out one by one your resentments, your grudges, your anger, your
hatred & your dislike.
Growing And Developing Yourself As A
constant endeavour to be and become (not as much with the idea of growth but to
be and become) in the flow and the rhythm is- mingle with the elements… when
you mingle with the element you get a lot of wisdom, you get a lot of insights
and foresights. First in the zeroeth state in the Shoonyam Quotient and the
second is the mingling of elements looking at trees, design of the leaves,
branches, looking at the open sky, its infinity, looking at the infinite
expanse of the oceans and the energy of the waves and ripples of the rivers,
listening to the chirping of the birds and looking at the infinite lawns the
blades of grass… smelling lovely things like fruits, flowers, grass, mud,
hugging people making connections, this is the way people with increased
connections grow, being and becoming, so being and becoming is the way forward
so let your being be optimized, energy of elements maximized, and get
Mickeymized !!!
Evolving With Time:
of all nobody grows old in reality, as the old adage goes “We never grow old,
when we stop growing we become old so let’s not stop growing”, so I keep
growing unintentionally also in my being and becoming and yes if you look at
trees they are not symmetrical, if you look at mountains they are not
symmetrical, nothing in nature is symmetrical. This randomness in design though
we can’t understand the meaning yet there is some significance and deeper
meaning to it. So the perfection is not what everybody seeks most of the
times..in nature if you see things are quite imperfect and acceptance of that
eases you in your mind, dissolves your obsessions, eases you in your minds, we
can keep course correcting and move towards being whole as much wholesome as
much appropriate as possible and as much perfect in the way of doing things as
much as possible but that doesn’t mean we should get obsessed by it. Allowing
latitude, allowing mistakes, understanding them our five fingers aren’t perfect
we are unequal but they still have some significance and role to play so swikriti
is very powerful. Philosophy in the vedic understanding so swikriti is
acceptance with grace and not accepting things without any choice. When you
accept things with grace, grace follows… let your grace get maximized,
acceptance Mickeymized !!!
Myths Related To Wellness:
There are many a myths for wellness. The biggest myth no. 1 for wellness is that medicines of harsh chemicals diseases and ailments; they don’t necessarily mean wellness. No. 2 by over exercising you loose weight fast; certainly not… loosing weight should not be the ultimate goal of wellness, the ultimate goal of wellness is cleaning yourself. You get in the path of cleansing yourself, purifying yourself, regulating yourself, integrating yourself, fortifying yourself; automatically all the fitness, health, wellness, wellbeing parameters will fall into place. Myth 4 that proteinization and over proteinization… don’t go crazy with it proteins are necessary building blocks but do it with intelligent, sensible and ethical understanding of it. Try and not consume animal protein at all, be a vegetarian as much as possible, be clean don’t be mean, be a vegetarian & go green. Be a vegetarian because with clean food satvaguna arises with satvagun we become purushya from manushya… manushya is munn ka mara… food influences your thoughts, words, deeds and jo puruk hota hein who purush hota hein and purushotam Ram Rama Rama… if you reverse it is amara, it neutralizes vish (toxic poison) and being in the flow rhythm alongside with food, pranayam, dhyana and pratihara which is internalization of senses in meditation “ Shoonyam Quotient”… you come into the rhythm and come into the flow... dhara flows out of you and becomes Radha and comes back to you… Radha flows out and becomes dhara and comes back to you…then you will be in the perfect state of swastha means swayam mein aastha… means faith in your self … you will have self - belief… self- conviction and swayam mein aastha – swastha, with swastha your swasth your shvaas becomes clear …with your shvaas and rhythm it becomes sur, with your sur in rhythm and flow it becomes swara, with your swara in rhythm and flow it becomes sangeet and with this sangeet become tarangeet so let your flow rhythm and music of spirituality get optimized, get maximized, let’s get Mickeymized !!!
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