Co-Founder - DartSS Food Services & Distribution | Kanika Bhalla

Kanika Bhalla

Kanika Bhalla

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things" Kanika Bhalla

Your Role And The Challenges That You Face In Your Day To Day Routine:

After spending 14 years in the corporate world, I decided to launch my own start up last year. Setting up your own business from scratch gives you an incomparable high, but it's equally challenging to ensure all the parts move as per your expectations. Getting people to follow processes to the 'T' has been our number one challenge in this operations-heavy setup, but effective communication, ongoing training and motivation has worked wonders in dealing with this.

Driving Passion And Managing To Follow Your Dreams Along With Your Professional Life: 

They say, if you make your hobby your profession, you don't have to work a day in your lifetime. Since travelling has been a passion for me for as long as I can remember, I actively sought profiles that would allow me to travel for work, right from my management trainee days. Over a period, whenever I would visit a new country or a new city, which was pretty often, I would try and schedule my meetings for a Friday or a Monday so that I could spend the weekend to explore. I also made sure I made use of all the long weekends and travelled to explore a new destination. Back in 2017, I took a 3 month sabbatical and backpacked to see the world. I booked a one way ticket to New York and planned each day as it came. Since my job didn't need me to be chained to a desk, I was able to keep up with my professional commitments even when I would be travelling. When the time came to venture into a start up, I chose to pursue a venture which was not only close to my heart, but which also gave me the option to be able to work from anywhere in the world. I strongly believe that life is meant to be lived to the fullest and we shouldn't let go of our passions just because we need to earn a living. Never letting life take a backseat, I have been to 57 countries across 6 continents and hope to be able to continue following my dreams.

About Traveling: 

Travelling for me is about discovering cultures, people and myself. As a kid, my parents used to make sure we explore a new destination every summer holidays and I guess I was bitten by the wander bug at an early age. Now, I mostly travel solo, because it not only lets me make new friends in the remotest parts of the world, but it also helps me introspect and understand myself better. Its travelling that has helped me develop my interest further in reading (I read 50+ books every year), food (I have explored at least 100 new dishes that my friends and family hadn't heard of), meditation (a big stress buster), learning languages (I am currently learning my third foreign language) c and minimalism (Ian even travel for 3 months with a 7 kg backpack). I try to take at least one trip every month, and sometimes I am gone for months together.

Advice For Others: 

I'd say we all should try to make time every single day to do something we love. It's easy to fall into a rut making money and forget why we are living in the first place, but making time for yourself, even if it's just a little to begin with, is the key to having something to look forward to even after you're retired :)

To continue reading timeless literary works with powerful inspiring stories and people, check out these top living well stories.