Varun Mehra - Human Resource Leader DEI | Experience, Culture Enrichment and Talent Champion | Financial Services and ITES



"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change." VARUN MEHRA

Your Journey While Moving Ahead In Career:

Moving to a new city changed me transformatively. When I moved to Mumbai, I had a great time exploring myself without any external influence. At work, I made conscious efforts to make it normal to talk about the community amongst my span of influence.

Being A Part Of The LGBTQI Community & Overcoming Challenges:

Yes, I made a conscious effort in my workplace but have faced challenges too. The challenge about the stereotyping of being a leader and aversion to non-jingoism leadership. And it's interesting that these days companies are acknowledging the community, however, the fundamental mind-set of not speaking about it freely still exists.


Advice To Organizations And Others Who Might Be Facing Similar Challenges In The Society Or At Workplace:

I believe everyone has a journey of exploring. I have met a lot of men who are in their closet and can't come out for the supposed shame. So, I would want to advise the organization first to vet your policies to see how they are mapped to the community. Don't punish someone for making unwarranted comments. If the change needs to be sustained, we need to acknowledge the truth that people were nurtured with a specific school of thought, and they need to be coached. We have to look at things both ways and ask what we are doing to create an acceptable environment around us and our social life... And how are we helping others come out of their biases? As someone who has alternate orientation, I need to let my actions be the lesson for others that has a larger impact and help everyone at large, who thinks LGBTQIA don't exist and for those who are not yet accepting of themselves.