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Madhuri Patle - Founder & Managing Trustee of Abadha Foundation | Mrs. Universe India 2023 | Mrs. Universe Face 2023

Madhuri Patle

Madhuri Patle

Madhuri Patle

Crucial Success Skills Forged Through My Journey

To succeed in any job, you need multiple skills. Leading and organizing come naturally to me, but I had to learn how to talk to people, especially being in public space . I have always believed I can make a big difference in the world because I'm a natural leader. But without understanding people, like my team or the beneficiaries of my NGO, it's hard to achieve. At my NGO, Abadha Foundation, which works in village integrated development, I have to talk to villagers and farmers to understand their problems. 

At first, it was tough, but I realized I need to understand how they think and their environment. Then, I could talk to them in a way they understand, and I learned this skill bit by bit over a period of time. So, even though I'm good at leading and organizing, I've realized the importance of communication and understanding people in making a positive impact.

Crafting Creative Opportunities from Every Challenge

When I face adversity or challenges, I approach them by first considering the worst possible outcome. Then, I accept that this outcome might happen and work backwards to find solutions. When we face problems, we need to think hard and come up with smart ideas to fix them. Solving problems like this can make us better at finding solutions and more creative in how we tackle things. Dealing with challenges is not easy because it stirs up a lot of emotions. However,  as long as these challenges don't significantly affect my health or lifespan, I do not see them as unconquerable. 

Through my experiences, I have learned that everything usually works out in the end, regardless of whether we successfully resolve the challenges or not. Life doesn't stop for setbacks, and there are always new opportunities on the horizon. So, it is essential to remain patient and resilient. By maintaining this mindset, I have found that I can navigate through challenges with greater ease and confidence, knowing that brighter days lie ahead.

My Impact

I come from a small town and a middle-class family, like many Indians do. Because of my father's government job, I've traveled to many other small towns. Being a girl from a small town has its challenges. When I wanted to pursue modeling and pageantry, my family, relatives, and local community were against it. Despite the opposition, I followed my dreams and participated in multiple pageants. Today, I hold the title of Mrs. Universe India 2023, and I've earned two esteemed international titles. I was named Mrs. Universe Empowered Woman 2023 for my social work and Mrs. Universe Face 2023 for my beauty and grace. 

I also graduated in engineering and completed my masters in IBM, along with professional certificates like CCIE & CEH. At 26, I started the Abadha Foundation NGO to make a difference in the world. My family resisted, believing that making money through a job was more important. But leadership comes naturally to me, so I followed my instincts. Now, thanks to my example, other women in my family and community feel empowered to pursue their dreams. Through my NGO, we've made a significant impact, providing education, skills training, and health awareness to lakhs of villagers. We continue to work towards positive change.

Scaling New Heights in Personal and Professional Triumphs

For me, success means inspiring, even if it's just one person, to chase their dreams. If I make my parents, family, and friends proud, I feel successful. While money brings comfort, true success brings satisfaction. Success is a journey; once you reach it, you have to work even harder to maintain it. Many young people think success happens overnight, but they don't realize the countless sleepless nights of hard work behind it—it's a cliche, but it's true. I do follow one strategy that is, I like to plan my goals carefully. 

I have different goals for short, medium, and long term. Sometimes, I go back to my plans to see how much progress I've made. It helps me see if I'm moving forward and reaching my goals. My benchmark for success is to continually improve upon myself; I don't compare myself to others, but I do find inspiration from those excelling in their own fields. Success isn't just a destination; it's a continual effort to be better than you were yesterday.

The Synergy Between My Path and Recognition Values

Starting an NGO at 26, especially coming from a humble background, feels really good. It's a big responsibility to take care of 200 villages . Balancing studies, career, and family while managing my NGO has not been easy at all, but it has inspired many women around me. Despite leaving pageantry and modeling long ago, I still wanted to compete for my country, which took a lot of courage, especially as a mother of a 3-year-old. My journey has inspired many new mothers who also aspire to restart their careers after marriage. 

Through my NGO, I have tried to make a significant impact on the lives of thousands of people, but it's my personal journey that has been inspiring many women around me. I believe this makes me a strong candidate for recognition. On my recent birthday, I adopted my father's village to show that one woman can indeed make a difference in one village. Just imagine if everyone took up one small responsibility for their country—what a difference it could make!