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Dr Harpal Singh Malhotra - Director, Clinical & Medical Affairs at Morphic Medical, USA

Dr Harpal Singh Malhotra

Dr Harpal Singh Malhotra

Dr Harpal Singh Malhotra

Crucial Success Skills Forged Through My Journey

The first skill, which has been crucial for my success and that I developed through my journey is Self Confidence. I am a very confident person. I don’t fear anything. I try and keep my negativities at bay. And the second thing I learnt is to never give up. These two things are strong pillars, which help me construct the dome of success. The other skill or nature that helped me create this amalgamation is hard work. So, self-confidence, hard work & never giving up – has been crucial for my success. You may refer to them as skills or nature or elements. But I believe these are important for anyone’s success. No doubt destiny & luck plays an important role. But that is not in our hands. Other skills I have developed through my journey & still I am developing are patience & perseverance. 

Last but not least is dedication. Staying focused and dedicated helps us achieve any success we desire, and this helped me as well. So, the above-said skills have been crucial for my success. And many of those, I have developed through my professional and personal journey. Tenacity, or the ability to persist in the face of adversity, is also essential for achieving success. Which I developed over a period in my journey. In fact, I would like to state that tough times and adversities are the ones which help us become stronger and they have made me stronger as well. And many skills get developed removing stumbling blocks in our journey and same happened to me as well.

Crafting Creative Opportunities from Every Challenge

Adversities – make or break. I make efforts to utilize adversities to develop me further and I approach adversities with positive self-talks. Firstly, I reframe the problems and change the thoughts of my mind. I try to be comfortable with vulnerability. I utilize my hobbies and self-care activities optimally. I mingle and take positivity from family, friends, and peers/seniors. I don’t shy in seeking support from them. I don’t let self-doubt, struggles, feelings of rejection empower me. Acceptance is a great tool. At times accepting change is hard, but it’s necessary in the face of adversity. A positive mindset always helps. Our thoughts define us. So, staying strong and positive – will be a great help. And I stay strong and positive in all my adversities. I try to stay disciplined. 

I continue going for walks, do breathing exercises and meditate. I even go for short breaks – to prepare myself & strategize. I try and inject humor at work and personal life especially during adversities. I develop faith and trust. Firstly, on myself and then the circumstances. I avoid sinking in any kind of fear or self-pity. I believe that I can and I will certainly make it to the other side of the mountain of obstacle/adversity standing in my way. And this helps me reach the summit. I have learnt many lessons from overcoming challenges. Firstly, your mind is very powerful. And we need to stay positive and feed our soul with positive thoughts only. Acceptance & letting go is important. Planning and strategizing is another important lesson. Gratitude is a very important lesson. We shall always be thankful. I also learned to celebrate my success. We should celebrate our success, no matter how big or small is the accomplishment.

My Impact

I think, I assume, and I presume that I have a great impact on my community, field, team members and in the lives of others. They follow me on social media & otherwise and keep seeking insights, discussing issues/problems and share even their deep secrets. The people around me have developed a good habit of learning & educating themselves with newer science & technologies, education & Innovation. I do it continuously. I have developed the power & strength of networking. And the people around me have started developing the power & strength of networking. I work as a Lighthouse for them. I stay positive and imbibe positivity from me. I don’t shy to say – that I also gather positivity, strength from community, friends, family, and the lives of others. 

It’s a mutual learning process, though. I am privileged to have worked in great fortune 500 organizations with some great team members and peer group and of course great leaders, seniors, bosses & mentors. They try & learn, copy or take advantage of my medicine knowledge, medico-marketing knowledge and experience, management knowledge and experience, communication skills, managerial skills, marketing skills, even sometimes -sales skills, confidence and skills to manage team(s). They try and learn to be responsible, humble & grounded. At the same time, I make every effort to give them wings to fly, stay ambitious, be go getter and achieve goals! Guiding like a lighthouse or a star/moon in darkest nights is not an easy task. But you learn all this during your journey of life and we should continue to learn and teach. And that’s what I do. And this all is not possible without God’s grace and support from family, friends, colleagues, peer group, seniors, mentors and leaders.

Scaling New Heights in Personal and Professional Triumphs

It’s a bit philosophical, I measure success by my soul satisfaction. All big leaders say, “A strong Intuition or gut response is very important for success of a business”. According to me – intuition or gut response – measures your success as well. Benchmark – for me for success is simple - your family, friends and colleagues should be happy & healthy, and you should achieve goals and results, as desired by your organization. Apart from physical health, a person shall be mentally healthy as well – with no stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, or any addiction. There should be a feeling of inner happiness & satisfaction. You should have gratitude and you shall have enough to donate/share – not particularly talking about wealth, but knowledge and experience. Lots of positive stories to share and motivate people, teams, and communities around. We should be able to discover our core values. We should never compare and that’s what I do. 

I compare myself to my yesterday’s self. I track my time to three important tasks on daily, monthly and annually basis. Recently, I have started focusing on listening, as a communication skill and I consider the percentage of listening geared for communication. I am continuously working on same and improving day by day. I also have started counting my success on both – internal & external customers. And benchmarking of success can be divided into 7 types – competitive benchmarking (yesterday’s self), strategic benchmarking (setting up short & longer goals & achieving those goals), performance benchmarking (again with yesterday's self), digital benchmarking (keeping a record, diary), process benchmarking (quality to quantity – with same quality), internal benchmarking (family, friends and near/dear ones) and external benchmarking (customers, neighbors, community residents and strangers).

The Synergy Between My Path and Recognition Values

My journey absolutely aligns with the values and goals of this recognition. My childhood experiences and being brought up in small towns - appreciating everything (even smallest of things), gratitude, sportsmanship, respect, honor, integrity, being a team player/ teamwork, helping nature, etc. imbibed in us zeal for life and living a life of positivity. This also helps me in – Inspiring narratives and transforming lives. Leadership qualities & skills – started developing very early in life. I didn’t have any deep-seated fears and helped my colleagues and family/friends to remove their deep-seated fears, if any. Being enthusiastic, taking newer challenges; I could instill enthusiasm and a fighting spirit to all odds/challenges to my family, friends and colleagues. 

I remember vividly, where I could help/support my friends, family and colleagues, not once but on various occasions. This gives you a feeling of satisfaction and also success (which we were talking about earlier). Positive beliefs help me to inspire others. And it comes automatically. I haven’t put much effort into transforming lives. I just keep doing my work with dedication and determination. And rest follows. Be it success or be it transforming lives. I could successfully lead teams and work in matrix reporting. And not only walk in this journey of life. I could leave footprints as well. Could win many accolades, awards, honors and recognitions. I would like newer generation to embrace discomfort, happily move from their comfort zones and aim for sky, stars. Before, I conclude – everything we achieve, is not possible without God’s grace, blessings from parents, teachers, elders, seniors and mentors. Keep fighting fit !