Debasree Dasgupta: Global Brand Marketing Director - Reckitt Benckis

Debasree Dasgupta

Debasree Dasgupta

"Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership" Debasree Dasgupta

Your Role And The Challenges That You Face In Your Day To Day Routine: 

I'm currently working as a Global Marketing Director with RB. My job revolves around future proofing and ring fencing the brand growth for the next 3-5 years via keeping it relevant, contemporary and at the same time engaging for its audiences. The life of a marketer is anything but boring with marketing moving from Products to Purpose, from Information to Experience, from Repetition to Surprise, from Transaction to Relationships and from Propositions to Conversations. Today's consumer is hyper-connected, hyper-accelerated and hyper-empowered, she is curious, demanding and impatient with an attention span less than that of a goldfish.

As a Marketer, it becomes imperative to constantly stay abreast with the latest in Trends/Technology that is impacting the change- be it lifestyle, mindset or behavior, to be able to then combine the power of logic and imagination and to be able to offer meaningful solutions. Being the catalyst of innovation requires mastering 3 fundamental creative skills.  i) A consumer centric mindset that puts consumer in the front center of every action. ii) An experimental attitude to iteratively discover what is truly useful, feasible and viable. iii) An approach to think differently and search for new novel alternatives to existing solutions. As a marketer, I am in this constant pursuit to learn, experiment and acquire new skills to be able to forge forward.


About Traveling: 

As many would say, I was born with a Hippie heart and Happy Feet. Travel to me is like an insatiable quest for inspiration, novelty, adventure, discovery, history, culture, art, food and rediscovering myself. Travel for me is not a niche affair not necessarily always fancy locations, luxurious hotels or fine dining. It could be the most modest offbeat locations, living like a local, walking through dusty roads and sampling local street food.


Passion That Drives You And Managing To Follow Your Dreams Along With Your Professional Life: 

To me life without passion is like food without seasoning. It's important for everyone to be passionate about something that then helps one chase the dreams. The biggest win is when you take passion and give it wings and not just treat it as an afterthought or as a weekend hobby. I've been passionate about Storytelling that stems from my love for travel, learning and experiencing people, cultures and cuisines, which find its way back through my stories as a marketer. I enjoy travelling whether for work or for leisure and I truly treasure my travel memories. These travel experiences enrich me with my understanding of human emotions, nuances of human behavior, attitude towards life and allow me to make better human connections. As a marketer these experiences form the bedrock of insights which help me craft meaningful communication that allows me to strike conversations with my audience on shared interests and values.


Your Bucket List: 

I have a never-ending bucket list from trekking to Machu Pichu to chasing northern lights to stargazing in Wales to an expedition in the Amazon forest. I think this list keeps me alive and hungry for experiences. And sometimes just a drive to the countryside, sitting by a lonely brook, sampling food at a local bakery which probably would have never been part of any list is just as exciting, refreshing and memorable.


Advice For Others: 

Just go explore. travel the world. You can always make money, but you can't always make memories.

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